Mushroom Mania
Since time immemorial, mushrooms have proved beneficial to human health. This vegetable is low in calories and sodium. It is fat and cholesterol free. Mushrooms are known worldwide for their nutritional benefits. It is rich in selenium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin and most importantly vitamin D. It is the only food source that can take care of your vitamin D requirement. Vitamin B in mushrooms help to boost energy by breaking down proteins, carbohydrates and fats and implements positive effect on the nervous system. Researchers have proved that mushroom contributes positively in weight loss initiatives. So, red meat if replaced by mushrooms, it can help obese individuals lose weight considerably. Further studies confirmed that mushrooms can also boost your immunity helping you lead an ailment free life. The anti inflammatory character of mushroom also positively affects those suffering from asthma, renal failures, post stroke damage and rheumatoid arthritis. Also certain parasitic mushrooms has unique characteristic to treat cancer that is why it has its place in both Traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicines.