
Weight Loss Diet Plan (Men)

Unlike women, men have different needs when it comes to losing weight.   Physically! Nutritionally! Psychologically!   Men do not eat like women and they do not gain weight easily like women. That’s why many men are not successful or encouraged with normal, female-oriented weight-loss diet programs.   Men do not gossip food. Men do not feel comfortable in dance style group sessions or Yoga classes by your favorite yoga guruand they simply hate telling others how they "feel" about their weight-loss and how they gained that weight actually.   Men are Men. They think like men. They tackle problems like men. They want to instant results and no fuss! Just get the things done.   Idietitian Men Diet Plan for weight losshelps you get the weight off, and keep it off permanently. No matter how much weight you have to lose, we can help you.   5,10,15,25, 50 even 100 Kg or more, we can help.   Our program is NOT a diet. It's an education. It's a whole new way of thinking. About the foods you put in your body. The foods you were genetically meant to eat. As a man!  

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Idietitian Diet Plans

1 Month
Monthly Rs. 3,500

Starter Pack

3 Month
Monthly Rs. 2,833

Booster Pack

6 Month
Monthly Rs. 2,500

Premium Pack

12 Month
Monthly Rs. 2,333

Platinum Pack

IdietitianPro India

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