
About Us is your online dietitian that takes care of your dietary needs and ensures that you follow a healthy and happy life. Idietitian is a website which encourages eating proper and healthy meals so that you can rely on natural healing more, than medicines and supplements. Our website imparts appropriate guidance to have balanced diet and burn excess calories through yoga and exercise. We, through our website aim to compile and provide vast knowledge on Diet Charts, Yoga, Exercises, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Diet Recipes and Home Remedies at an easy click!

We started our journey in March 2012. Ever since, we took baby steps holding hands of our partner Neha Sood. Today we are a full grown entity with experts at our disposal to suffice you with the best of diet plans and workouts to combat common diseases and to live life to the fullest.

We have come a long way from being a fresher to an expert in the health industry. People’s faith on us has been on an increase, since we work with utmost dedication and sincerity. Often our end users express their relief that they feel comfortable discussing their health problem with us, since they do not get auto generated replies which ensures them that we are real people waiting to extend our hand and pull them into a healthier world.

We have come a long way from being a fresher to an expert in the health industry. People’s faith on us keeps increasing, since we do our work with dedication and sincerity. Often our end users express their relief that they feel comfortable discussing their health problem with us, since they do not get auto generated replies which ensures them that we are real people waiting to help those who extend their hand.

We strongly believe that it is our social and moral responsibility to guide the society towards healthy living for which we bestow our faith on the dietitians who constantly thrive to achieve their best and provide their valuable tips to our customers. Our aim is to ensure that every individual who puts their faith on us feels safe and benefitted from our guidance. Our experts treat each individual as unique so when diet charts are planned, it is usually on the basis of the person’s requirement considering any medical condition he or she is in. Infact, we do not believe in any marketing strategy since we are here to help people feel better and healthy. The innumerable success stories of real life people is what made us stand out as an unique organization with magical capabilities and human feeling.

Every organization stumble a couple of times before coming to terms with the success and pitfalls. Ours is a similar story. We have worked and reworked to make things stable. The best thing about idietitian is that we are always up to date with the health topics, researches and new findings that helps us cater to our customers better. A particular fruit might be beneficial to one individual however, that same fruit can have negative effect on another individual and we take it as our responsibility to update you on the pros and cons of the same so that you can make the right choice.

We have personalized diet plans which can be opted for better result, since in a personalized diet plan our dietitians will take into consideration your height, weight, medical condition if any, reason for diet plans and any known food allergy. As per all this knowledge you will then get your diet chart with the measurements of right quantity of food intake that should be taken for a healthy living. Apart from personalized diet plans, we also have therapeutic and lifestyle diet plans that you can opt as per your requirement.

Apart from personalized diet plans, we also have therapeutic and lifestyle diet plans that you can opt as per your requirement. We have easy and safe payment methods that are user friendly. Net banking ensures safety, so we always encourage our customers to use that however, we support internet banking through credit card or debit card or cash deposit at bank account. For our international customers we support wire transfers or payment through PayPal.

Our well thought diet plans were a hit since the first day. It has provided the best of results to so many of our clients. Also the personal focus and attention each end user gets from us, makes us the best in this industry. Our short tenure has a long success story based on the rapport we built with our customers through hard work, dedication and consistent support.

When our partner, Neha started this venture, health care through online assistance was in its nascent phase. Also being professionals in their own life gave them an insight into the plight of individuals who required health care tips but was unable to get any assistance due to lack of flexibility in operating hours of the clinics dealing with diet plans and related services. Hence, this venture, to reach out to everyone who needs expert guidance. Since, this service is online so it can be used 24 hours and all 365 days. This initiative was thus taken to empower an individual with the access to healthy living.

All of us have become health conscious these days. It is unlike the previous decades when individuals used to even ignore any health issues to certain extent. Now days, apart from solutions to problems, people also concentrate on preventing any chronic disease before it strikes.

With the turn of world economy, we expect more awareness among individuals to live a happy and stress free life. Currently, we excel in weight loss programs and take pride in bringing back lost confidence in people who confide in us. We hope to serve you better and be a part in your happiness.

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Idietitian Diet Plans

1 Month
Monthly Rs. 3,500

Starter Pack

3 Month
Monthly Rs. 2,833

Booster Pack

6 Month
Monthly Rs. 2,500

Premium Pack

12 Month
Monthly Rs. 2,333

Platinum Pack

IdietitianPro India

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