
Pre and Post Natal Diet

Healthy and safe eating is important, no matter which stage of pregnancy you're in. Our healthy eating diet pan will help you get good nutrition for yourself and your unborn baby. No matter what your cravings or dislikes, we plan a healthy diet for you and your baby – so you stay healthy throughout your pregnancy.   Nutritional requirement increases tremendously during pregnancy and lactation as the expectant or nursing mother not only has to nourish herself but also the growing fetus or the infant who is being breast-fed. Many bio-chemicals, physiological and hormonal changes occur in both prenatal and postnatal period and you should be alert about your diet to meet these changing nutritional requirements as well as to maintain weight.  

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Idietitian Diet Plans

1 Month
Monthly Rs. 3,500

Starter Pack

3 Month
Monthly Rs. 2,833

Booster Pack

6 Month
Monthly Rs. 2,500

Premium Pack

12 Month
Monthly Rs. 2,333

Platinum Pack

IdietitianPro India

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