
Lemony Lime

Lemon belongs to the citrus family which can refresh you in a jiffy, releasing you from stress, tiredness and heat. It is rich in vitamins c that rejuvenates skin from within and make your skin look young, bright and beautiful. Also it strengthens your immunity to fight common cold and flu and infections due to its anti-bacterial property. Lemon is extremely beneficial if you start your day with a glass of warm water squeezing half a lemon in it. This will boost your digestive system and aid in flushing out toxins from your body. A glass of warm lime water can even solve problems related to constipation, diarrhea and so on. If you are putting a lot of effort in exercise in order to slim down, then add lemon, honey and warm water to that routine to make it work better. Drinking warm water along with lemon and honey can help you lose unwanted body fat. Lemon contains ascorbic acid which regulates fat metabolism hence contributing largely to weight loss. Enjoy lemon this summer to stay fresh and reduce weight.


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