Keep Fit but Shun Body Shaming!

body shame

It’s been there since ages. Just that today, we’ve defined and given it a particular term, and hash-tagged to making it the trending topic. Which, of course is a good thing; for atleast people are getting to voice their opinions, getting a chance to vent out their suppressed grief or anger; and for those innocent subservient souls, who had no idea that they had been victimized so far, are actually getting aware. Like any other issue which has got into limelight (thanks to Social Media), Body Shaming and it’s detrimental aspects are now being discussed openly. On the flip side, whether or not, it will bring about a serious change in the lives of those who genuinely have/are suffered/suffering, remains questionable.

Nonetheless, something is better than nothing, and if it is not limited to a discussion of a week or so (as is the case usually), the word will only spread and chances are that it will sensitize the people more and more. It will also help people who’ve suffered low self-esteem, due to their body shape, embrace and love their bodies. So cheers to that thought and let’s Shame Body Shaming!

However, to stop body shaming, loving and being comfortable with the bones and flesh one’s got is important; but that in no way should ever be misinterpreted as loving it so much much that you refuse to bring about healthier changes. What, we are trying to say is, that if someone calls you fat, give them a ‘talk to my hand’ respond, but if the weighing machine indicates that your weight can give rise to serious health problems, then then don’t turn a blind eye.

Weather you have flabs, and tyres around your belly; or you are as thin as a stick, unless your doctor tells you that you have a health risk, or you feel a lack of energy, it is Okay. If you think you can do as good as any other physically fit person, then don’t let anyone’s views effect you and dampen your spirits.

Now, let’s come to talk about when should you be really concerned, and what measures you should take to make things better:


First, being obese is never a good thing.
Obesity, in itself is a termed used to describe a condition when our body has accumulated so much fat that it can have a negative impact, increasing the risk of many health disorders like heart diseases, Type 2 diabetes, bone and joint disease etc. It also adversely effects other body functions too. So if your BMI is above 20, it’s time to alarmed. You cannot love that weight that puts you at risk.

What to do?
Consult your doctor, alter your diet, leave your lazy sleephead, couch potato attitude and sweat out those calories. Yoga is proven to be very effective in this regard, and you can also try some Indian natural weight loss therapies. Read, research, and be aware. However, weight gain maybe the result of some other disease, and in such a case, an expert physician’s advice and consultation is much needed.

Second, being underweight is as bad as being overweight.
If you are skinny but can easily run a mile, can jostle around all day, have no health problems; then there’s enjoy the skininess. Being petite is cute and adorable anyway. But if being a bag of bones, that way too less and result into a BMI lower than 18, you should probably be getting a health check up, and see if there is a problem.Being underweight can create a number of health issues, just like being overweight does. Anemia, hormone disregulation, weak immunity, insomnia, heart palpitations etc. are some of them.Cardiac arrests is one of the most hazardous risks. And having any of these conditions are not good at all.

What to do?
The problem may be attributed to malnutrition,or be caused by genetics. It could also be a consequence of hyperthyroidism or diabetes. So the first step is to spot the reason.Most of the times,it’s simply because your body is not getting enough nutrients and calories, and your diet alterations can work wonders.Discuss with a nutritionist and let him chart out a weight gain diet meal plan for you.

body shaming

Third, if your gain or loss of weight has been too sudden.
This kind of weight loss/gain is the result rather than being the cause of another health disorder. In such situation, the process of turning back the process may become far more challenging. For example hyperthyroidism, can be a cause of drastic weight gain in some and may lead to acute weight loss in others. Diabetic patients prone to gaining weight easily. Then, there are others like stress, hormonal imbalance, Cushing’s Syndrome, PCOS, that can all lead to drastically altering your body weight.

What to do?
In these situations, while taking some measures in order to keep yourself fit could and should be taken. However, getting into perfect shape should not be your ultimate aim. Work towards bettering your condition, following your doctor’s advice and prescription. Further, attain a proper work-eat balance in your lifestyle.

Weather, it is about searching for diet recipes or taking diet consultation for weight loss or weight gain, or have started with a diet plan for glowing hair and skin; make sure whatever you do is not with the purpose of pleasing others, or to put an end to their idiotic body shaming comments. Do it because it makes you feel good inside. Do it because it makes your life better. Love yourself, and the world will love you.
