High-Fiber Diet: Key To Healthy Living

The fiber component may not have any nutrient value, but it would be a hazardous mistake to undermine its value in healthy eating. Without substantial amounts of fiber in your diet, the whole system may stumble down. Fiber is the most caring friend of your bowel, and it is no joke. A fiber rich diet, in fact, can help reduce the risk of various health disorders like diabetes, hypertension, stroke and heart ailments.

Fiber provides no nutrients, fiber doesn’t even get digested then why is it so essential? And how does it help in reducing the above-mentioned health risks? So let’s break it down-

Fiber, also called roughage, is that dietary material which pushes other dietary substances, containing nutrients, down the digestive tract. Fiber help in the absorption of water in the process and thus eases bowel movements. There are two types of roughage that we consume, soluble and the insoluble.

Functions, benefits, and source of Soluble fiber

Soluble_FiberWhile soluble fiber changes and turns into a gel-like substance in the stomach slowing the digestion process. It does so by binding with the fatty acids. Thus, reduces the sugar absorption rate and time that is taken to empty the stomach. Therefore,

  • Soluble fiber is good for cholesterol control, which in turn reduces the risk of heart ailments.
  • Soluble fiber helps in regulating sugar intake and thus helps in the risk of diabetes as well as good for those already suffering from it.

Foods that contain good amounts of soluble fiber- kidney beans, sprouts, broccoli, spinach, oranges, oatmeal, zucchini, apples, whole-wheat bread etc.

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Functions, benefits, and source of Insoluble fiber

insoluble_fiberThe insoluble fiber retains its original state throughout. It contributes to adding to the weight of the waste remains so that it becomes easier for them to move through the intestine.

  • Due to its water absorption function, insoluble fiber helps in maintaining pH level in the intestines. This prevents the the microbes present in our intestines produce substance that may cause colorectal cancer.
  • Help in the prevention of constipation by easing bowel movement. This fastens the toxic waste elimination from the system.

Food items that will provide you insoluble fiber includes- green veggies (especially dark green leafy ones), wheat bran, corn bran, fruit skins, seeds and nuts.

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Besides, these health benefits, fiber-rich diet is known to help in weight management as well. Being low-calorie components, you feel full without adding much of the weight gaining components in your system. Fiber is now being seen as one of the key contributors to successful aging. Obviously so, as when a regular appropriate intake of fiber in one’s diet keeps the common health ailments at bay, aging becomes much more comfortable and trouble free. Studies show that elderly who consume greater amounts of fiber have 80% higher expectancy rate.

So for a happy and long life, introduce a high-fiber diet in your life right now. You do not have to be a patient already to adopt a better way of living. Search through online healthy lifestyle diet plan in India, to remain fit and dine always. These will most definitely include fiber rich meals that will prevent various health hazards from approaching you and give you the gift of peaceful living.
