5 methods to lose weight after pregnancy

New moms are very worried for losing their extra weight after pregnancy. Self image is very important nowadays so nobody likes to be categorized as fat. Gaining weight is very normal during pregnancy.

Losing weight after pregnancy is somehow difficult but not impossible if proper method would be followed. You gain weight during pregnancy because at that time your calorie intake also increases. This calorie diet is needed at that time to give proper nutrition to both mother and baby as well. Losing weight might be bit slow as body takes a lot of time to regain its normal position. Many women start doing bulky exercises or start cutting their diet. But this is a right thing to do immediately after delivery because this may badly affect your body. You can lose your weight slowly by choosing some appropriate healthy diet plan. Diet plan should be enough healthy to give you nutrition as well because you have to feed your baby.

Some tips which may help you out in the journey of losing weight:

  1. Plan diet earlier: Choosing a healthy diet even before becoming pregnant is a good option. If you continue this diet throughout your pregnancy period without gaining weight, then you need not worry later. You will easily come back to your last shape with minor problems, due to pregnancy. So do plan a healthy diet program before getting pregnant which keeps both of you healthy.
  2. Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding may help you to lose weight very eagerly. It is very effective method as it burns up to 500 calories a day. Cutting down the intake of your food make you slim.
  3. Avoid junk and processed food: Start minimizing the absorption of junk food slowly. You will look high difference in your weight. It has been noticed that most of the people who skip breakfast, jump into the chain of fast food. Strictly say no to burgers and coffees etc otherwise you will gain your weight quickly. Find out various diet recipes for dips and dressings if you want to make your own at home. These recipes are healthy ones by keeping in mind the healthy body.
  4. Prefer drinking green tea: Green tea detoxifies the body. It contains anti oxidants that fight against harmful free radicals. This also leads to lose your weight as if you drink it every night; it flushes off extra fats from the body. This is a well examined method to fight against the obesity. There are many sites that provide weight loss diet for women.
  5. Simple activities like Aerobics: Do simple activities which have low impact on your body like aerobics. Start with jogging, an hour a day in the morning. This enhances your metabolic rate and fat burning process. Chose the exercise then you find easy for you and you never want to skip in the future. Regular exercise is must.


These are some easy tips using which you can lose unwanted weight after pregnancy. Once you start following a plan, you would surely end up with positive results.
